Financial Services Guide

Not Independent

CCN is not independent as defined by s923A of the Corporations Act because we receive commissions for the sale of insurance products.

At Cabsure we aim to make you feel totally at ease with the services we offer and so we are providing you with this easy to understand document designed to answer your frequently asked questions. The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) also requires that we provide a Financial Services Guide before giving any advisory services.

This guide is designed to assist you in deciding whether to use any of the services offered. It contains information about remuneration paid to us and our Authorised Representatives and what to do if you have a complaint about our services or our Authorised Representatives.

Should you proceed to deal with Cabsure or our Authorised Representative you may also be provided with other documentation including Statements of Advice, Product Disclosure Documents and other regulated documents.

A Statement of Advice comprehensively details important information about the recommendations we are making to you in relation to the provision of Financial Services. 

Where we are recommending a particular financial product, you will also receive a Product Disclosure Statement.  This contains important information about the financial products being recommended. 

If you have not been provided with these documents, please contact us on (02) 9020 2525 and we shall provide them to you.

Who are we?

Combined Communications Network Pty Ltd, ABN 38 628 957 317, trading as Cabsure, is an Australian Financial Services Licensee under the Corporations Act, AFSL 238155.  Although we are authorised to arrange and advise on a range of general insurance products we specialise in taxi insurance products.

Being part of a well-known and established taxi company, 13cabs, means that we have day to day contact with our clients and understand their taxi insurance needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is responsible for the advice I receive?

Cabsure will be responsible for the advice provided to you by our employees who are located at 9-13 O’Riordan Street Alexandria NSW 2015 or phone (02)

9020 2525

You may also receive advice or services from one of the external people that Cabsure has authorised to act on its behalf.  Our Authorised Representatives are able to assist you with TIAIB a Taxi Insurance product information and provide you with the same level of advice and service that you would expect to receive from Cabsure direct.  

We have authorised our representatives to provide you with this Financial Services Guide, so if you have any questions or wish to complain about the advice or service you received from them, please contact us directly.

What financial services are available to me?

Depending on your requirements, Cabsure can provide general advice on a particular product or personal advice that considers your individual circumstances and objectives.

It is important that you understand your obligation to provide the insurer with all the information they require to make an informed decision about the property you want to insure.  To assist them to assess the risk and determine the appropriate premium, the law requires you to disclose all the information you know, or should know, that is relevant to the insurer’s decision whether to provide cover or determine the terms of cover.  For example, you should disclose your history of losses or claims.

Your failure to disclose relevant information may void your cover or prejudice any claim so it is important that you are as open and honest as possible.

This duty extends to notifying your insurer of any significant changes that occur during the period of your insurance.  We consider it critically important that your insurance is adequate and accurately reflects your circumstances.  Remember that in the event of a claim, if your insurance is inadequate to cover the loss, you may be required to bear a proportion of the loss or claim.

You should also ensure that the insurer is aware of everyone who has an interest in the property or asset to be insured so that their interests are protected.

If you have any questions about your duty of disclosure you should ask us to assist.

How will I pay for the services?  What commission/ fee do you get, and how is it calculated?

When we place insurance for you, we obtain from your insurer a percentage of the premium you pay.  This is generally in the range of between 10% and 15%.  If you arrange your insurance through one of our Authorised Representatives, they will receive a percentage of the commission paid to Cabsure by the insurer.  The specific dollar amount of commission will be disclosed in the Statement of Advice.

Operating a financial services business involves substantial costs, and commission assists us to afford the infrastructure, personnel and systems required to provide you with quality advice.

We may in some cases also charge a broker fee when placing any business and this will be disclosed within the Statement of Advice.

We have an association with Marsh resulting from our participation in their profit share program.  The amount of the profit share is determined by the amount of premium placed with Marsh and the claims experience of that insurance business.   

Any relevant specific benefits will be disclosed in the Statement of Advice and the amounts will vary every year.

Cabsure may provide a referral payment to a person or organisation that refers you to us.  If this does occur, the referral payment will be clearly disclosed in your Statement of Advice. 

We may also from time to time receive a benefit from preferred product providers by way of sponsorship of educational seminars, conferences or training days. Details of benefits will be maintained on a Register.

Cabsure and its representatives may from time to time receive non-cash benefits with a cash value less than $300. Details of benefits between $100 and $300 will be maintained on a register. These benefits will normally be one off and will not be received from a product provider on a regular basis.

We can also assist you to obtain finance to enable you to pay your premiums by instalments. In this case you will be charged interest by the provider on the amount advanced.  We may receive a benefit if we arrange the finance and we will, of course, tell you about the payment and the basis of calculation before arranging the funding.

You have a right to request for further information in relation to the remuneration, the range of amounts or rates of remuneration, and soft dollar benefits received by the Licensee and/or representative.

We want to provide you with advice and services in a manner that is simple and convenient for you.  We prefer to receive your instructions personally, but you may specify how you would like to give us your instructions.  For example you are able to give your instructions by telephone, fax or other means. We’ll often rely on your signature to verify your instructions but, if you provide your instructions other than in writing, we’ll transact where we reasonably consider to have received instructions from you.

Will the advice I receive be appropriate for my taxi business circumstances?

We offer TIAIB Taxi Insurance because this product has been specifically designed by the taxi industry for the taxi industry.  We believe that the product provides superior cover and excellent claims service. To properly consider your insurance needs and objectives, and to deliver recommendations which are designed to satisfy your requirements, we will need to obtain from you key facts as to your business circumstances, such as taxi financing and insurance requirements.

Of course, you have the right not to share this information with us.  In this case, we may not be able to advise you or, if we do, are required to warn you of the possible consequences. To determine the appropriateness of the advice provided to you, you should read the warnings carefully as the scope of the advice provided to you will be limited as a consequence of you exercising your right not to disclose all the information sought by us. We will explain any significant risks associated with recommended solutions, as well the risks associated with not acting on the recommended solutions.  Our Statement of Advice and/or a Product Disclosure Statement will contain important information in this regard.

What information is maintained in my file, and can I examine it?

We will maintain a record of your personal profile, including details of your insurance objectives and needs and any other information relating to your specific financial situation.  We will also maintain records of any recommendations we make.

Cabsure is committed to ensuring the privacy and security of your personal information in accordance with the principles of the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012. 

You have a general right to examine the relevant contents of your file and a copy of our Privacy Policy will have been given to you with this Financial Services Guide. 

Should you wish to examine your file please ask us and we will make all necessary arrangements.  Further details on our information handling policy can be obtained by contacting our Privacy Officer at Cabsure on Phone: (02) 9020 2511 or put your request in writing and send it to us at 9-13 O’Riordan Street, Alexandria NSW 2015, or                by email to   

We may provide correspondence and important disclosures electronically. We will use the email address provided by you for electronic delivery and notifications, including availability of items via a link on our website. You may contact us at any time to request correspondence by another method such as post.

What can I do if I am not happy with my Taxi insurance policy?

Legislation regulating advice given in relation to retail products allows for a 14 day cooling off period.

This means that if you are not happy with the product, you have 14 days from the inception date of the policy to withdraw from the contract at no cost to you. If this is the case, please ensure that you inform us of your decision immediately to assist in our appropriately notifying the insurer.

However please be advised that all taxis in NSW must have TPPD insurance as a legislative requirement and in this instance we will require a copy of a policy that replaces the policy that you cancel from inception otherwise a pro rata premium will be charged for the period that the replacement policy does not provide cover.

What to do if I need to cancel your policy?

If you wish to cancel your policy, your request must be written and counter signed by all co-insured persons, and a copy of the replacement policy provided to our office.

If I cancel, what refunds do I receive?

You will be entitled to a pro-rata premium refund.  However, any fee charged by Cabsure, including commissions or broker fees will not be refunded upon any cancellation.

A cancellation fee may be charged by the insurer to cover their administration costs and if so you will be advised prior to the cancellation being processed.

If you have any complaints

If you have a complaint about the services provided, you should talk to us.  We will endeavour to resolve your complaint quickly and fairly.

If your complaint is not satisfactorily resolved within three days, please call The Complaints Officer on (02) 9020 2511 or put your complaint in writing and send it to us at 9-13 O’Riordan Street, Alexandria NSW 2015, or by fax on (02) 9020 2550, or email us at:

Cabsure is a member of the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA), an independent private complaints body, funded by its corporate members.  You can call AFCA from anywhere in Australia on 1800 931 678 and their mailing address is GPO Box 3, Melbourne VIC 3001.

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) also has a freecall infoline on 1300 300 630 which you may use to make a complaint or obtain information about your rights.

Professional Indemnity Insurance

Combined Communications Network Pty Ltd confirms that it has arrangements in place to ensure it continues to maintain Professional Indemnity Insurance in   accordance with s.912B of the Corporations Act 2001 (as amended). In particular, our Professional Indemnity insurance, subject to terms and conditions, provides indemnity for Combined Communications Network Pty Ltd authorised representatives/employees in respect of our authorisations and obligations under our Financial Services Licence. This insurance will continue to provide such coverage for any authorised representative /employee who has ceased work with Combined Communications Network Pty Ltd for work done whilst engaged with us.


FSG Version TIAIB September 2023


Prepared 22/09/2023